The Benefits of Reducing the Use of Plastics

Created By:
Liska Feby Fitriani
High Intermediate 4
Saturday , 15.00-19.00


            This essay was made as the final project of High Intermediate 4 Level in LPBB LIA Galaxy. The title of this essay is “The Benefits of Reducing the Use of Plastics”. The purpose of this essay is to let people know that plastic brings many disadvantages for human life. Through this essay, the writer wants to persuade the readers to reduce the use of plastics in daily life, because of the reasons which are mentioned in this essay.
            The writer realizes that this essay still needs a lot of improvements. Therefore, suggestions and critisms are needed to improve the writer’s skill in writing an essay in future. Finally, the writer hopes this essay will be useful for the readers.

December, 2014
Liska Feby Fitriani


            First, I would like to thank God for His blessings and guidance. Without that, I couldn’t finish my essay project well. Second, I would like to thank my family who always support me in every aspect of my life. I also would like to thank all my teachers who have taught me at LIA, especially Miss Nunung for her support, my friends in HI-4 in Saturday Class at 15.00-19.00, such a nice and lovely class. Last but not least, I would like to thank to LIA staff for facilitating me to improve my English.

December, 2014
Liska Feby Fitriani


Narrowing Down the Topic.....................................................................................................4
The Outline............................................................................................................................5
No More Plastics!...................................................................................................................7

Narrowing down the topic

Green Movement
Green movements in our environment
The importance of reducing the use of plastics in our daily life.

Essay Description

General topic              : Green movements in our environment
Specific topic              : The benefits of reducing the use of plastics in our daily life.
Writing purpose           : To Persuade
Writing Type                : Argumentative
Abstract                       : This essay will try to persuade the readers about the importance of reducing the use of plastics in our daily life. Reducing the use of plastics gives us many advantages. First, it can maintain biotic and abiotic components in our environment. Second, it decreases the number of garbage on the sea and third, it can save the ozone layer and human health from the plastics burning. From those advantages, people will know the importance of reducing plastics and try to reduce the use of them in their daily life.
Thesis statement         : Reducing the use of plastics gives us three benefits, it can maintain biotic and abiotic components, decreases the number of garbage on the sea and save the ozone layer and human health from the plastic burning.

The Outline
Topic                            : Green Movement
Narrowed down        : The importance of reducing the use of plastics in our daily life.
Controlling Idea        : Reducing the use of plastic can maintain biotic and abiotic     components, decreases the number of garbage on the sea and save     the ozone layer and human health from the plastics burning.
Purpose                    : To Persuade
Mode                        : Argumentation

Thesis Statement     : Reducing the use of plastics gives us three benefits, it can maintain biotic and abiotic components, decrease the number of garbage on the sea and save the ozone layer and human health from the plastic burning.
Paragraph A
·         Topic sentence           : Reducing the use of plastics can maintain biotic and abiotic
·         Supporting details       :      1. Poison from the particles of plastic when it entered into
the ground will kill the decomposer like a worm and other microorganism 
2. Plastic and styrofoam can release chemical substances that can be harmful for the ecosystem and it can seep into the ground. Pcb (polychlorinated biphenyl) could not be unraveled although inedible by an animal and will be a serial killer in the order the food chain.

Paragraph B
·         Topic sentence           : Sea ecosystem can be save by reducing the use of plastic.
·         Supporting details       : 1. Marine animals consider that the plastics are their food
and eventually die because weren't able to digest it.
2. There are a lot of plastic waste that floats in the ocean, finally came pacific trash vortex or also known as the great pacific garbage patch.

Paragraph C
·         Topic sentence     : Reducing the use of plastics can save the ozone layer and human
·         Supporting details : 1. Plastics burning creates a very dangerous substance. The
substance is dioxin which are carcinogens or cause of cancer and cause many dangerous diseases.
2. Plastics burning produce carbon monoxide gas that can make thin    the ozone layer, and lead to the greenhouse effect.

Final thought               : Plastic is very difficult to be destroyed. It would take about 500 years to disentangle the particle of plastic naturally. Plastic waste gives many disadvantages for human life. By reducing the use of plastics, we can save the ecosystem and avoid some dangerous diseases.

                Nowadays, people live in a practical life where they do anything they want without thinking of the effects that will come toward them. Because of this life style, they produce all things which are in accordance with their practical life. One of examples is plastic. They produce plastic in order to help some people who don’t have enough time to prepare anything. Plastic is believed to be a solution in human life. However, plastic is not the right solution. In fact, plastic brings human more disadvantages than its benefits. Research proves that plastic needs at least 500 years to be destroyed. Besides, particles of plastic will seep into the ground and lead to various problems. To solve this problem, we need a concrete measure to avoid the problems that will occur as a result from the use of plastic. We have to reduce the use of plastic in our daily life. By reducing the use plastic, it gives us three benefits, it can maintain biotic and abiotic components, decrease the number of garbage on the sea and save the ozone layer and human health from the plastic burning.
            First, reducing the use of plastic can maintain biotic and abiotic components. Plastic waste that covers the layer of soil will damage the ecosystem inside it. Plastic waste cause the ground not penetrable by plant roots. The poison from the particles of plastic will kill the decomposer inside the ground such as worm and other microorganism. The land will be infertile and plants will be difficult to grow even die because they don’t obtain food to thrive. In addition, plastic produce some chemical substances. One of them is PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl). PCB could not be unraveled although inedible by animals. PCB will be a serial killer in the order of food chain. Animals that eat PCB – contaminated food even for short periods of time suffer liver damage and may die.
            Second, reducing the use of plastic decrease the number of garbage on the sea and save sea ecosystem. There are a lot of plastic waste on the sea. Based on the research held by united nation, about 80% of trash on the sea derived from the mainland and almost 90% is plastic. The plastic wastes that float on the sea creating a pacific trash vortex or also known as the great pacific garbage patch. Those plastic wastes are below the surface of the sea, so it can’t tracked via satellite and plane. The plastic waste on that area have resulted in pollution on the sea. Many marine animals have become victims of the garbage pile. Marine animals consider that the plastic wastes are their foods and eventually die because they were not able to digest it.
             Third, reducing the use of plastic can save the ozone layer and human health. We have known that plastic waste is very hard to be destroyed. No matter how hard our efforts are, plastic that has polluted the land will still produce some dangerous substances. Because of this problem, people burn those plastic waste in order to avoid the dangerous substances that can seep into the ground. In fact, burning plastic waste is not the right solution. Moreover, it brings us more disadvantages. Plastic burning creates a very dangerous substance. The substance is dioxin which is carcinogen or cause of cancer and many dangerous diseases. The air which contaminated by dioxin may harm the ecosystem. In addition, plastic burning produce carbon monoxide gas that diluting the ozone layer and lead to the greenhouse effect.
            In conclusion, we should limit the use of plastics in our life. Plastic is very hard to be destroyed. It would take about 500 years to destroy the particles of plastic naturally. Plastic waste gives many disadvantages to human life. By reducing the use of plastics we can save the ecosystem and avoid some dangerous diseases.



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